If you're looking for warmer weather sailing, you may wish to plan a sailing vacation trip to Australia and enjoy their beautiful sparkling blue seas. In Melbourne, AU you would find Williamstown to be a great destination for your yachting or sailing pleasures. The nearest marina there is Parsons Marina and from there you're ready to set sail!

Just look at that inviting blue water there in Williamstown! It's picture perfect and there's plenty of places to stay if you need good accommodations in Melbourne.
As I'm sharing this information with you about Melbourne, Australia I'm looking out our window at a cloudy overcast day, and the waters here in the Puget Sound are quite gray and cold, so to me the blue waters and blue skies there in Australia are looking quite inviting! Oh how I wish I could be there now.
Have fun if you decide to take a trip to Australia and if you go sailing in Melbourne have a wonderful time in the land down under!