
Plum Pirates of the Night

One night we sailed down a local street in our truck. Suddenly, we were startled as something struck the windshield. Smashed to a pulp on our windshield, we realized a plum hit our truck! Now plums just don't fly off a tree and smash into your windshield with the force and speed of a baseball, so we knew something was up.

We pulled a u-turn and drove back up the road, then suddenly just as the first time, we were hit with another plum! Our anger was no longer dormant as we realized the hazardous distraction could have caused us to either lose control of our truck, or crash into another vehicle.

Although no harm had been done, we were determined to identify who had thrown the rotting fruit, as they obviously were not concerned with the potential danger of throwing fruit at passing vehicles.
It quickly became obvious where the fruit was catapulted. There in the midst of the moons lighted path was a plum tree, and parked beneath the plum tree was a sailboat! We noticed someone stirring in the boat. We were not surprised to find three boys lurking in the dark as they fearfully attempted to hide from our anger.

That was the first and last time we saw the Plum Pirates, but we laugh each time we drive by their parked sloop as we mutter the words, "There's the Plum Pirates ship!"

© July 2006 Author: Tammara Nelson
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By our own creativity they soon acquired the name "Plum Pirates." We hoped few would know their malicious intentions, as we experienced.